Welcome to The Tale of Genji site, aimed at promoting a wider understanding and appreciation of the 11th Century classic Japanese novel written by a Heian court lady known as Murasaki Shikibu. It also serves as a kind of travel guide to the world of Genji.
Ishiyamadera Temple - where Murasaki Shikibu may have written The Tale of Genji.
Written 1,000 years ago, The Tale of Genji has 54 chapters and over 1,000 pages of text in its English translation. It is generally considered to be the world's first true novel, and was certainly the first psychological novel ever written.
If you are planning a trip to Japan, visiting some of the places featured in Genji Monogatari is a good way to start. These pages contain photographs of many of those places, and others mentioned in other literature of the time.